Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to EDUP 3008 Creative Arts 2

'Welcome to a world of fantasy, where imagination takes you far beyond your expectations and creativity leads itself to a world of wonders..'


Hello and welcome to my EDUP3008 Reflective Scrapbook! My name is Souha Malak and I am currently in my 3rd year at the University of Sydney studying a Bachelor of Primary Education. This blog is for the EDUP3008 Creative Arts subject which covers drama, media arts, and visual arts.

Nowadays, we see that technology is  growing rapidly which will continue to progress in the future, as you can see by this blog itself! . 


My blogs will be specifically about my experiences in each of the EDUP3008 workshops, which will include entries from each of the creative art-forms: Drama, Visual Arts and Media Arts. My entries will be supported with critical reflections detailing 'the experience', wider readings and future
implications for teaching as well as images and videos to support my reflections and ideas.

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