Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 3 - Drama Workshop 1 "Cinderalla Storyboard"



Week 3:

Drama Workshop 1 – 21/3/13

If you see the magic in a fairy tale, you can face the future” (Steel, D).

In Today’s drama workshop 1, we created a storyboard (narrative) for our critical moment of our chosen fairytale ‘Cinderella’ and presented our work in the form of a storyboard. As a group, we decided to focus on the critical moment where Cinderella watches her stepmother and stepsisters getting ready for the ball and she comes along thinking she is going but then her evil stepmother takes away Cinderella's dream. We drew pictures of our critical moment in a series of events and came up with a narrative on what is happening under each scene of the storyboard. Together we presented our critical moment scene of Cinderella to the class were we role played each scene and read our narrative to the class while improvising for the some of the events we drew. For future implications for my teaching, I would utilise this activity into my classroom, as it is fun and engaging for students where students work together as a team and improvise together a script for their chosen fairytale. This allows students to take on a persona and trait, which therefore students input is valued and all the elements of creative arts are explored and demonstrated through role-play, film, and artworks. “When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”(Albert Einstein).
NA, (2013). Quotes about fairy tales: Good Reads Inc, retrieved 23rd March 2013 from

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 2 - Drama Lecture

 Week 2:

Drama Lecture - 15/3/13

In today’s lecture, we covered a range of topics, which included focusing on a critical moment in fairytales, historical and contemporary depictions of fairytale characters in print and film media, exploring narrative structure, character relationships and status on role. One experience I focused on was on ‘to make a good story we need’... this incorporated linear narrative (going forward), tension, characters, settings, coda, and story structure. This lead to my experience through critically reflecting on fairytales by focusing on what happens to the characters after the story. This highly links to Media Arts when looking at the seven parts to a story/film. Overall, from this experience the implications I take aboard for my future teaching is I would provide the structure of the story to the students as from what I learnt today it would empower the students to look upon the story. I would teach the students on how to communicate with the story, know how to construct and deconstruct a story, which leads to further discussion when making connections with the story and making meaning for an audience.



Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 1: Introductory Lecture


Discover a world of fairy tales...

Week 1:

Lecture 1 - 8/3/13

In today’s introductory lecture, we were introduced to the Fairytales and their significance in children’s lives. This entailed me and other peers to brainstorm a variety of Fairytales that we knew and ones that we were familiar with in our early years of life. We named fairytales like, the Princess and the Pea, Hanson and Gretel, Peter Pan, and many more. A great discussion arose on whether the story of the three little pigs was classified as a fairytale or not. This allowed me to think about my early years experiences up until today’s lecture, which shifted my perception to looking at how fairytales have been modified over time ‘before and after’ and how they are presented nowadays as oppose to the past.  Therefore, Victoria read the book ‘the true story of the three little pigs’ which lead to a great discussion on how fairytales were fractured over time and the changes that were made to the fairytale. As a result, 3 of my peers and myself grouped together and focused on a critical moment from the fairytale Cinderella, where we each took on a role of a character discussed the elements of drama (Space, Contrast, focus) and bringing the characters together to make it come alive.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to EDUP 3008 Creative Arts 2

'Welcome to a world of fantasy, where imagination takes you far beyond your expectations and creativity leads itself to a world of wonders..'


Hello and welcome to my EDUP3008 Reflective Scrapbook! My name is Souha Malak and I am currently in my 3rd year at the University of Sydney studying a Bachelor of Primary Education. This blog is for the EDUP3008 Creative Arts subject which covers drama, media arts, and visual arts.

Nowadays, we see that technology is  growing rapidly which will continue to progress in the future, as you can see by this blog itself! . 


My blogs will be specifically about my experiences in each of the EDUP3008 workshops, which will include entries from each of the creative art-forms: Drama, Visual Arts and Media Arts. My entries will be supported with critical reflections detailing 'the experience', wider readings and future
implications for teaching as well as images and videos to support my reflections and ideas.